Thomas FitzAlan

Sir Thomas FitzAlan (died 1430), of Beechwood Castle in Kent, was a medieval English knight.

He was born to John Fitzalan, 2nd Lord Arundel and Elizabeth le Despenser and was a grandson of John Fitzalan (D'Arundel) and Eleanor Maltravers (Mautravers). Sir Thomas married Joan Moyns, and they were parents to Eleanor Fitzalan. She was married to Sir Thomas Browne of Bettsworth Castle in 1434. They had four sons and a daughter, and were ancestors of the poet, Percy Bysshe Shelley. Another descendant of theirs is the American Abolitionist, John Brown.


The quotation of Beechwood Castle in Kent is wrong The Browne Family is associated with Betchworth/Beechworth Castle In Surrey England. The Castle passed from the FitzAlans to the Brownes on the death of Thomas FitzAlan.